Our Services

Core Services

Manual Lymph Drainage Massage

Using a gentle manual treatment technique that improves the activity of lymph vessels to re-route lymph flow. 

$125 per hour

Lymphedema MLD and Bandaging

This complete decongestive therapy includes manual lymph drainage, compression therapy, exercises, and skincare.

$250 per hour

(additional cost for bandaging kit)

Lymphedema Bandage Complete Kit

The Lymphedema arm and leg kit provide all the bandages required during the clinical phase of treatment. 

Arm: $150 | Leg: $175

Ballancer®Pro Compression Therapy

An FDA-approved device with a range of programs used to provide pain relief and increase lymph production.

($125/hr for lower extremities)

($50 addit'l/hr for upper extremities)

Manual Lymph Drainage Massage
5 Treatment Packages


(must be utilized within 10 business days)

Ballancer®Pro Compression Therapy
5 Treatment Package


(must be utilized within 10 business days)
(lower and upper extremities combination package available)

Booking Your Visit With Ease.